About nurturenature

Registered charity number 1182363

nurturenature is a record of the journey of the recreation of our garden into a healing space that not only is a beautiful place that nurtures those of us lucky enough to live here but is also available to other people in need of the healing power of gardens and gardening. Development of the garden specifically takes into account promoting it’s therapeutic  potential – provision of sitting areas, scented planting, meditation spaces, sound of running water, sculptures, privacy…..Although living with serious chronic illness,significantly disabled and wheelchair dependent I am passionate about gardening and confident that immersion in all aspects of gardening has significantly contributed to maintaining my mental health through many difficult health challenges and illness imposed lifestyle changes. I am very committed to sharing the benefits of gardens and gardening with others. As well as the inherent therapeutic nature of gardens I also want to share their potential to provide fresh produce throughout the year. To that end I am planting raised beds outside the house (there is a lane up to our house) with veg and flowers that will be freely available to anyone who wants to help themselves. This is my “community allotment” and it’s progress will be recorded here as well. Inspirational to my gardening, my resilience, my life is my mum, Flo Davies and although she is no longer here I very much hear her opinion in my ear about any planting as we create the garden.

The nurturenature initiative is not just about me. Its a shared adventure with many others contributing, some paid, most not and even those who are paid contributing well in excess of what they are paid for. I am hoping some of them will contribute to the nurturenature blog as well to provide an alternative perspective.

The blog is not only a means to document the garden’s progress it is also an opportunity to share ways to promote resilience, a key factor in managing living with illness positively and holistically. Also central to my living well with chronic illness has been learning to live mindfully and include a meditation practice as part of my daily routine. Although there is considerable hype in the press and on the web about mindfulness, it really does facilitate a life where there is a focus  on what is happening now, moving away from the “what ifs?”, accepting where you are at and celebrating small joys and successes.

A core part of the project is to to propagate plants to replant the garden and to sell to reinvest  in the charity. The plants for sale are all grown from seeds, cuttings or very small plugs. Propagation and potting on is one role that I can readily fulfil despite my disability and something which when well enough I can happily do for hours, very much “in the flow”. It is something I find tremendously therapeutic myself and am keen to share with others who also have a disability.

We have regular plant sales which are advertised but individuals can contact me (see contact page) to call in and look round the garden and buy plants if they wish at any time between plant sales. In addition we run a number of events (currently advertised on the blog) from art based creative events to mindfulness days. Where at all possible these take place in the garden and whatever the event, they are based around the garden and nature to utilise its green healing power. Any profit made from plant sales etc. is reinvested in further development of the charity.